My main goal this year was to get my baby girl this deer rite here..GRINGO…Started getting pics of him last October as a big 9 ptr.. he got the name GRINGO from them long white tines and beams. We found his sheds earlier in the year and with a 15 inch spread he scored 143 inches…This hunting season rolls around and no GRINGO. ( we was hoping he’d show up in October again if nobody gets him). We started hunting other properties and Kaytee gets a Lil trigger happy and shoots a small 4 ptr.. I tell her you only have 1 buck tag left and she says yea that’s Gringos.. she shoots her a doe with her crossbow a week later.. October’s here before we know it and Gringo starts showing up in daylight.. Kaytee hunted with me every weekend since black powder season starts using my black powder… 3 weeks before she harvests Gringo she gets a 30 yard shot with my gun but misses… she kept on hunting with me and never gave up and on Nov. 29th at 5:04 Gringo couldn’t stand the 6 does we were watching and had to come check them out. He comes out and all the does scatter and I had to stop him.. Kaytee let HER 243 bark and smokes him! This one’s gonna be hard to beat. One proud dad😁😁
Hunter’s name: Kaytee Hancock
Elon NC
United States
8-point buck