130-class buck had 21-inch inside spread
Jaden Williams, a 13-year-old from Belews Creek, has big shoes to fill. His dad killed a 22-point buck last year that was one of the biggest bucks killed in North Carolina during the 2015 season. But the youth hunter took a big step in following those footsteps last week with his own trophy buck, a 7-point, 130-incher he killed in Guilford County.
The buck weighed 220-pounds, and sported a 21-inch inside spread. It was a great hunt for Jaden Williams, but an even better day for his dad.
“Jaden’s buck was a big brute of a deer with a super wide rack,” Patrick Williams said. “We have been watching this deer for four years on camera.”
Rifle season had just begun, and the Williams family was pumped up to get into the woods for the first time to encounter one of the many bucks they have on camera. And on the afternoon of Nov. 13th, the father and son duo headed to their hunting property in Guilford County to a box stand overlooking an old field area next to a hardwood bottom surrounded by planted pines.
After 45 minutes on stand, Jaden and his father watched closely as several does and an 8-pointer arrived. They noticed those deer kept looking back into the woods.
“We could hear deer chasing each other around in the bedding area and then we heard some horns slap the tree limbs and Jaden looked up at me. His eyes got real big. I nodded and said, ‘oh yea, that was horns,’” Patrick Williams said.
They still couldn’t see the deer, but they had photos of some really big bucks. They knew it could happen at any minute. And then it did. A big 7-pointer bolted out of the cover of the tree line at 120 yards, challenging the smaller buck standing in the small field. But the little buck didn’t want any part of it and ran off. Moments later, the big seven turned and headed back towards the woods to find his does. Patrick Williams took action.
“I bleated to get the deer’s attention and before I could tell Jaden to shoot, the rifle went off and Jaden dropped him in his tracks,” Patrick Williams said.
Instantly, Jaden bellowed out and erupted with joy. He’d just made it another productive year for the Williams’ household.
“Jaden started yelling. He and I both were super excited,” Patrick Williams said.
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