135-inch buck is her fifth Pope & Young buck
As a hair stylist, it’s not always easy for Nancy “Tootie” Morris of Rougemont, NC to make a living and make time for hunting. But, when her husband threatened to kill her buck — she cleared her schedule for the afternoon of Sept. 16 and took the 190-pound, Person County 12-point they had been watching since July.
Of course, Scottie Morris wouldn’t really kill the buck that his wife had her heart set on; he wanted to see her do it. But, it was that prompting that persuaded her to take an afternoon off and get in their box blind after he had seen multiple trail camera pictures of the big buck standing in one of their corn piles.
Around 5 o’clock, the Morris’ settled into the blind on a newly-leased 500 acres of thick woodland that Scottie had thinned to make room for corn piles and shooting. There, he conducted an interview with Tootie for video that he was filming for Team Part Time Whitetails. While he kept his camera ready, Tootie did likewise with her PSE Stiletto.
“The first does walked out about 5:30,” said Tootie Morris. “We weren’t there long, when some nicer bucks came out that we had already seen on camera. Probably about 6:40, Scottie was looking through the binoculars and said, ‘I think that’s him; I think that’s him.’ Surely enough, he came out.
“There were some birds eating in the corn pile. They flew away and it kind of scared him. So, he went back again and made a circle. It took about 10 minutes for him to get in there good. He came in broadside and when he stopped to look back, I shot.”
Morris flung a Gold Tip arrow with a 75-grain Muzzy broadhead toward her target at 20 yards. Narrowly missing the heart, she managed to pierce both lungs. The buck bolted, but not very far.
“Scottie saw him stumbling when he went in the woods,” said Morris. “It was very thick where he went in, but we could see a huge bloodstain on a tree. We knew then he was hit pretty good.”
After entering the thicket, they found Tootie’s trophy about 100 yards from where he was shot.
The buck had an inside spread of 15 ¾ inches. It’s longest tine, a G2, reaches 9 inches. It was gross green scored at 135 inches and will qualify as her fifth Pope and Young buck.
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