First-time hunter kills 7-point buck, 10-point buck

Richard Windon killed both of these bucks within 30 minutes of each other during opening day of rifle season in Granville County, N.C. These are the first two deer he has ever killed.

10-point had double brow tines, drop tine

Richard Windon of Creedmoor, N.C. doesn’t mind other hunters calling him “green,” since he has little experience pursuing wild game, but plenty of other hunters are likely green with envy after Windon’s first hunt produced two fine bucks, including a big 10-point with a wide and bulky rack.

To say Windon was excited would be a huge understatement. He had just placed his stand the day before on the Granville County tract, and on the opening day of rifle season, he climbed into the stand around 5:30 a.m.

“It was a very cold, dry morning. It was the rut, so I’m told, and on the way to the stand, I said a little prayer. First light came, and I see a buck, but can’t see how big the antlers are. His head is down on the scent trail I had left out. When I saw it was a 7-pointer, I almost lost it,” he said.

After seeing the deer’s headgear, Windon got excited and nervous.

“Wow, a true buck! I was so nervous. I lined up my sights, and took the shot with the .308, and he’s down. I called my buddy who was hunting about 100 yards away and said ‘I got one, my first deer, and it’s a 7-point!,’” he said.

Windon was tempted to get out of his stand and get a closer look at the buck, but his friend convinced him otherwise.

“I said, ‘should I got down? I can’t wait to see this,’ but he persuaded me to stay in the stand since the rut was on. Here’s where it gets interesting. About 30 minutes later after some aggressive grunt calls, you wouldn’t believe it. Big boy 10-pointer comes walking out with a double brow tine and a drop tine. Now I was really nervous. My heart was beating, hands were shaking. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“I watch him and followed him with the rifle for about 10 minutes or so before I was calm enough to take the shot, and with a quick prayer, bang! And big boy 10 was down!” he said.

Windon wasn’t the only one impressed with his feat. He ran into several veteran hunters while hauling his deer out of the woods and to the processor, and they all offered congratulations.

“It was so amazing to me and apparently to a lot of veteran hunters. Here I am, first time hunter, new stand, opening day, a 7-point, and then 30 minutes later, a 10-point. God is so good,” said Windon.

About Brian Cope 2855 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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