Big 10-point goes down in Anson County, N.C.

This big buck was chasing a doe when Phillip McBryde of Matthews, N.C. killed it on Nov. 11, 2018 in Anson County.

Hunter caught trophy buck chasing a doe

Phillip McBryde of Matthews, N.C. celebrated Veterans Day with a hunting trip with his uncle in Anson County on the morning of Nov. 11. And he killed the biggest buck of his life when a 10-pointer with a wild-looking rack showed up and offered him a shot after following a doe in a loop that took it four times around McBryde.

“I was in the stand and set up by 5:45 a.m. The weather forecast called for a cold, windy, rainy morning, and the wind was already blowing. I was a little chilly, but bundled up and ready. With daylight came the squirrels, and then the action began at 8:24 a.m. when a nice, mature doe came up from the bottom,” McBryde said.

The doe seemed to be on a mission, keeping a steady path, staying alert, and periodically checking behind her. McBryde waited patiently, then heard movement coming from the bottom as the doe trotted off up a hill. Then, he saw the buck.

“Suddenly, there he was. Head down to the ground, in full rut. All I saw was a huge rack trotting right on the doe’s trail. She appeared again, and they played a game of chase, looping me three times. The buck occasionally grunted to get her attention, and on the fourth loop, I was able to take a clear, 75-yard shot with my American Ruger Predator .308. He dropped in his tracks,” he said.

It was about 8:30 now, and McBryde and his uncle, who was hunting in a nearby stand, had agreed to stay in their stands until 10:30 a.m. But his nerves were shot. He’d just killed the biggest buck of his life, and knew it was lying just 75 yards away.

“Every so often, I’d pick up my rifle, peek at him through my scope, and make certain he was still there and that I wasn’t dreaming. The questions were mounting in my mind; how big was he? how much would he weigh? was this for real? The thrill and excitement were eating at my nerves,” he said.

Then, his uncle, who had heard McBryde’s shot, began texting him, asking him about the deer. McBryde couldn’t take it any longer, so he got out of the stand to get a closer look. He was just as thrilled when he got to the buck.

“I grabbed that monster buck with knotted up tines and I was shaking all over. The thrill engulfed me again. I gave praises to the Lord above, then made my way back to my stand and climbed back up,” he said.

McBryde said patience, Buck Yum, his uncle, his family, and God all get the credit for his successful hunt.

The buck’s rack, with its exceptionally long tines and thick mass, has been green scored at 170 3/8 inches.

About Brian Cope 3053 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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