Get the kids and mom started with this great bow package
In these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world as we know it has changed. Social distancing is the new norm, and team sports are having their seasons cancelled. If there is any silver lining, perhaps it is that our youth have “unplugged” from their electronic devices and are spending more time outdoors. Much like golf, archery is a sport in which you can compete against yourself by seeking to improve. It also helps youths build self-esteem. That’s because they aren’t comparing themselves to others, but rather seeking to better their own shooting. There is something about watching the flight of an arrow that is hard to explain. And I’ve met very few people who aren’t captivated by it. With many, if not all, schools and summer camps closed, archery can be an affordable, enjoyable source of entertainment for kids as well as an entire family. A unique and affordable way to begin archery is the Genesis bow. This bow is unique in that it will fit all members of most families without any adjustment required. As long as all members of a family have the same eye dominance (right-eyed or left-eyed), they can share one bow, because rather than having substantial let-off, the Genesis uses its cam as a force multiplier, thus providing additional thrust to the arrow. At its maximum draw weight of 20 pounds, the Genesis shoots with the power of a 35-pound recurve. The draw cycle and shot is similar to a recurve without the issues of limb twist and warping. This is a great way for a beginning archer to get into the sport with a reasonably priced, low-maintenance setup; with prices starting at only $170, the Genesis is well within most consumer budgets.
Bow specs
The Genesis bow has an axle-to-axle length of 35½ inches and weighs 31/2 pounds. It offers a draw-length range of 15 to 30 inches and has an adjustable draw weight of 10 to 20 pounds. This makes it the ideal bow for a archer of nearly any size. For younger, smaller archers, the Genesis-mini is an option. With a shorter axle length of only 29½ inches and weighing only 2 pounds, its adjustable draw weight of 6 to 12 pounds and draw length range of 14 to 25 inches is ideal for small children. A third option is the Gen-X, a hunting capable bow that offers even more room to grow in the sport with a draw length range of 21 to 30 inches and adjustable draw weight from 25 to 40 pounds. All of these bows are available as bow only or with accessory kits. The Genesis bow is the standard bow for the National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), 4H archery programs, the church-based Centershot archery program, and many more. Arrows for Genesis bows are manufactured by Easton, made of aluminum and are reasonably priced at less than $6 each. Many target manufacturers are producing special NASP targets for Genesis bows, also affordable at less than $50 retail.
Not a big investment
Now more than ever, the Genesis bow makes sense. For less than $300, it will provide hours of quality, healthy entertainment for the family while still maintaining social distancing practices. It can also provide some sanity for parents who are out of options for kids’ activities. With a proper backstop, a bow can be shot in far more settings than a firearm — in many cases even the backyard. Genesis bows are available at many retailers across the nation, as well as online at As always, I recommend purchasing your Genesis from an archery shop for the best results. A pro shop will help to determine eye dominance and proper bow size, as well as instruction on both correct form and safety. This will help to ensure success, thereby increasing the desire to shoot more often. Unlike many hobbies which quickly fall by the wayside, I find kids will shoot archery tirelessly for hours on end. Not only does this great sport build self-confidence and self-esteem, it provides physical activity that is sadly much needed amongst today’s youth who are all to often addicted to “screen time.” Check out a Genesis bow today and get them out shooting.
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