War Between The States
What was that?” said the other angler in the canoe. […]
What was that?” said the other angler in the canoe. […]
When the water temperature breaks the mid-60s mark at the N.C. coast, inshore anglers start to get an itch that makes them spend all weekend on a skiff with nothing but a sandwich, a bucket of minnows, a few cold beers, and an outboard engine chugging along at its lowest speed. […]
Summer is the right time to head to the beach, and plenty of South Carolinians will be headed to Hilton Head Island. […]
The S.C. Department of Natural Resources is seeking help from anglers targeting cobia to collect DNA samples and to donate racks of fish caught in 2008.
On Saturday, May 24, the Outer Banks Fishing School will feature a full day of specialized instruction on local techniques, tactics and locations for catching cobia amberjack and king mackerel.
MOREHEAD CITY – Citing the action as a means to reduce regulatory discards of dead fish, the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission voted to reopen the commercial red drum harvest season effective April 28.
Early season trout fishing has been fairly good in the Winyah Bay area, according to Steve Hedrick, who runs Reel EZ Guide Service out of Belle Island Marina in Georgetown. […]
Weakfish don’t get any respect.
Tar Heels get more excited about spotted sea trout, probably because anglers catch lots of them from the grass beds of Pamlico Sound during the warm season and get runs of big specks at Cape Point each winter. […]
The time of year Cape Fear-area anglers wait for through a seemingly endless winter is here when the calendar indicates May has arrived. […]
Springtime has always been a good time for folks to get back into fishing and leave winter doldrums behind. […]
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