
Side planers for saltwater

Even if you haven’t used one, I think most fishermen know what a side planer is. Sometimes called a planer board, it’s a device used to carry a trolling line out to the side of a boat. […]


Paddle up a winner

Something’s fishy when Christmas comes in July, and for many it is the annual ICAST (International Convention of the Allied Sportfishing Trades) show. […]

High Tides and Tall Tails

Go slow, go small

Sort of like the Christmas song, but in a totally different way, “The weather outside is frightful.” Yes, it is, but unlike the snow and freezing temperatures in the song’s lyrics, the current weather is hot and humid. […]


And now, the new leader

What makes a good leader? For anglers, the answer is not someone that is wise, fair and charismatic, but simply the most- effective way of connecting a hook or lure to the line coming off a reel. […]


Big Rock’s show stoppers

It used to be that the ICAST (International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades) show held each July was the place fishermen got their first look at new products that would separate them from their hard-earned money.  […]


Don’t let the cold get you

As we begin to have those stretches of nice weather that usually come every February, more and more fishermen will develop severe cases of cabin fever; the only known cure is a fishing trip. […]