Freshwater Fishing

Black-water Redbreasts

Drifting slowly through Marion County along the oil-black vein known as the Lumber River, swollen cypress trees line its banks draped with gray beards of Spanish moss. […]


Black-water Redbreasts

Drifting slowly through Marion County along the oil-black vein known as the Lumber River, swollen cypress trees line its banks draped with gray beards of Spanish moss. […]

Freshwater Fishing

Light is right

Like most panfish, fishing for redbreast sunfish is a light-duty affair. Four-pound test monofilament on a 5-foot spinning or spincasting outfit is plenty of backbone for sunfish that rarely push a pound. […]


Busting Upstate Bushytails

Enter just about any standing timber, and squirrels will call it home. Be it a local woodlot, dense swamps of the Lowcountry, or high mountain ridges, squirrels live pretty much everywhere. […]


Greenwood’s Greenheads

The predawn cold rattled my bones as I pulled my neoprene waders up over many layers of insulation. Sunrise was still a couple of hours away, and the anticipation of big ducks swooping into our decoys helped me stave off the cold as I pulled the waders up as far as they would reach. […]