
Specks ‘N’ Spots

The watery ring the bait and float created when they lightly splashed into the protected water at the mouth of the small creek off the North River had spread just a few feet when the bobber unceremoniously disappeared. […]

High Tides and Tall Tails

A few fall secrets for big macks

During the months since I was honored by the membership of the SKA and elected to the organization’s Hall of Fame, I’ve had many congratulations and some good-natured heckling from angler friends. […]


Core Sound Doubles

A light breeze wasn’t enough to blow away a hungry greenhead fly that had attached to my leg, but I was hungry enough to endure its bite long enough to get another mouthful of a juicy burger before swatting the pesky insect. […]


Two Scoops Offshore

The previous night never really cooled off and, as Capt. Mike Webb eased the Pelagic Too into the calm waters of the Intracoastal Waterway underneath the Atlantic Beach Bridge, the haze obscured the lights at the Morehead City and Money Island Bay waterfronts. […]


Former Menhaden Boat Becomes Centerpiece of AR 400

It has taken a while and been rescheduled three times, but thanks to the hard work and dedication of many volunteers, the former menhaden boat, Coastal Mariner, has been re-christened the Captain Greg MicKey and assumed its final resting place near the center of AR 400, Frying Pan Tower Reef.


Putting the Bite on Jaws

“I already ran over and took a quick look to be sure there were still some shrimpers out — and there were,” Capt Matt Wirt said aboard his Sea Chaser bay boat a sunny August morning last year. […]