Fish sharks’ travel corridors

Tiger sharks are common in waters just off South Carolina beaches and are often hooked and landed by surf fishermen.

When fishing for big sharks from the beach, South Carolina anglers have a lot of choices from Little River to Hilton Head Island.

Any beach will do, but anglers wanting to hook up with truly big sharks can increase their chances by fishing in areas with relatively narrow travel routes. These typically occur in sounds and in waterways between land masses.

When standing on shore, if you can see an island or a portion of the  mainland, that’s a good place to start. Estuaries and areas where river current meets the tide are prime spots. These are typical feeding and breeding grounds for sharks, and generally have drastic depth drops in comparison to the open ocean. They also have a concentration and variety of food and serve as passageway. These areas are easy to scout by looking at maps or online resources like Google Earth.

One of the best places for shark fishing in South Carolina is where the ACE Basin dumps into St. Helena Sound, but areas similar to that exist up and down the Palmetto State’s coast, and all are great places to do battle with a large shark.

Requiem Fishing Team’s members have caught a wide variety of species up and down our coast. Black tip sharks are common, along with sandbar sharks, sand tiger sharks, nurse sharks and hammerheads.

We’ve all heard that sharks will eat anything, and that seems to hold true to Requiem’s team members. If it swims in the ocean, these guys will use it as bait. Whatever you use for bait, use a big chunk of it. Large barracudas cut in half, big stingray wings and whole Spanish mackerel are good baits.

About Brian Cope 2762 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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