Deer of the Year

18-point buck goes down before the hunt even started

McLaurin Quick of Bennettsville, S.C. was planning on getting into the woods a little early on Nov. 8 to work on a stand before hunting that evening, but he never made it out of his driveway before killing a mainframe 8-point buck that had a total of 18 scoreable points. […]

Deer of the Year

VIDEO: Wilton bowhunter kills 19-point cactus buck

After Jeff Annis of Wilton, N.C. got a few interesting photos last year on the trail cameras located on his Granville County hunting land of a mature, non-typical buck with a little palmation on its rack, he was hoping to catch a glimpse of the deer in person. His trail cameras caught two night photos of it this year, and it had grown quite a bit. […]


Beach-bound isn’t so bad

October was a big transition month for saltwater fishing in the Carolinas, and by November, the water and air temperatures have cooled off considerably, but those aren’t the only changes. […]

Deer of the Year

11-point, 150-class buck goes down in Woodruff

John McDonald of Woodruff, S.C., was ready to let his wife take a nice buck when the two climbed into their deer stand the morning of Oct. 14. But a couple of hours later, a truly magical whitetail showed up, and McDonald wound up on the trigger, taking a tall, narrow, heavy 11-point buck that measured almost 150 inches. […]