Deer Hunting

Hoyt takes a big step

Hoyt Archery’s 2018 flagship hunting bows are the most innovative to come from the Salt Lake City-based manufacturer in many years. Hoyt has redesigned their bows from the ground up, giving them a much-needed overhaul and adding a lot of new technology. […]

Deer Hunting

Corn, without the field

In areas where baiting for deer is legal, most hunters don’t have to be coerced into hunting over corn. Mike Johnson at the Clinton House Plantation suggests that if you are going to use bait, don’t bait out in the open. […]


Alternative weapons for squirrels

Air guns have been gaining popularity in recent years, and with the advent of sporting air rifles, more hunters are hunting squirrels with air rifles. At limited ranges, with good head shots, these rifles can be a great challenge.  […]

Deer Hunting

Find bucks’ December hideaways

As winter approaches, the places deer frequently used earlier in the season are rarely hot spots. They were concentrated on peanut and soybean fields in September and acorn-rich oak flats during October and November, deer always move to different places as the seasons and local food sources change. […]


A kayaker’s wish list

It’s that time of year when friends and family members tiptoe around the subject of what to get their favorite kayak angler for Christmas. Rather than just settle for a pair of socks, leave a copy of the magazine open to this column in a place they’ll stumble across it. […]