Big Murrells Inlet flounder
As springtime gets ready to give way to summer, loads of flounder move into Murrells Inlet from the open ocean, joining the resident fish on a feeding frenzy. […]
As springtime gets ready to give way to summer, loads of flounder move into Murrells Inlet from the open ocean, joining the resident fish on a feeding frenzy. […]
Team Hooked Soul’s Capt. Danny Carey was trolling on March 29 as part of the 2017 S.C. Wahoo Series when he hooked a big one. Big enough, in fact, to take the lead in the tournament, which lasts through April 16. […]
You’ll catch more wahoo out of Murrells Inlet, S.C. during the winter months if you incorporate high-speed trolling into your technique. […]
The coast of the Carolinas is known for all types of great saltwater fishing, and around Murrells Inlet, S.C., it’s the geographic center for the well-known spot fishery and the peak of the spot run in October, when anglers can find a school of the tasty panfish on their own or locate the local flotilla and find enough room to park your boat. […]
The heat is on in Murrells Inlet this month on both land and sea, and that means it’s time to bait-and-switch Spanish mackerel, pitching baits to big fish. […]
May’s spring weather draws people out of hiding to enjoy the warm breezes along the South Carolina coast. While many folks will be catching a few rays on the beach, diehard anglers need to slide down to Murrells Inlet to experience a different type of relaxation: catching flounder.
For anglers looking to do a little more than wrangle with a bream this time of year, plenty of action awaits them off the coast of Murrells Inlet. The wahoo are ready and willing to do battle with anyone willing to venture offshore a little ways, and luckily, anglers don’t have to go all the way to the Gulf Stream to find them.
Every winter, when the water cools, it shakes things up for fishermen along the eastern seaboard, especially around Murrells Inlet, when the inshore waters turn into ghost towns and many fish, including the snaggle-toothed sheepshead, head to the ocean to make a living. […]
The wahoo are biting all along the coast of South Carolina, and a group of anglers out of Murrells Inlet has had a field day with them in the past week, especially around the Winyah Scarp. […]
If you had to choose a month to be on the water along South Carolina’s coast, November would be the winner. […]
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