Vudu Shrimp
Can an artificial lure — a soft plastic — outfish a natural creature? That day has arrived and it’s like magic, hence lure’s name, thanks to Ken Chaumont of Lacassine. […]
Can an artificial lure — a soft plastic — outfish a natural creature? That day has arrived and it’s like magic, hence lure’s name, thanks to Ken Chaumont of Lacassine. […]
In the late ’40s and ’50s, the United States was undergoing a boom economy, recovering from restricted materiel supplies that resulted from World War II. […]
LCD screen brightness, contrast and resolution improve with every new generation of marine electronics. […]
Striper season officially shuts down from June through September, so the focus moves to other species, but there’s plenty of fish that continue to bite well throughout the summer. […]
Brook trout are easy to locate and easy to catch; getting to them is the hard part. Native brooks inhabit the headwaters of mountain streams, the wild, hard-to-reach sections of creeks accessible only by foot where the water is pure and cold, places choked with rhododendron and mountain laurel. […]
Fishing on smaller Upstate lakes such as Bowen, Cunningham, Robinson and Cooley is always a good choice, but you will find more competition for the fishing than on remote ponds. […]
Since man began floating vessels across rivers and oceans, symbiotic relationships have formed and continue to provide benefits to users above and below the water’s surface. […]
Kayak selection is a matter of choice. A good choice for bush-whacking into remote ponds would be a fairly light kayak in the 10- to 11-foot range. […]
Due to its long maturation period, corn is the first crop to hit the fields in the early spring. Farmers plant a huge amount of corn in the Carolinas, mainly for animal feed, but with many acres dedicated to the deer or waterfowl hunter. […]
The Cape Fear River and the ICW between Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach are prime places to find doormat flounder during the summer. […]
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