
It’s the little things that matter

Paying attention to details is never more important than when fishing for crappie in cold water, especially in February. If everything is done right, an angler is rewarded with a box full of fish, but missing the mark often means coming up blank. Here are some common tips that often mean the difference between catching a limit and going home empty-handed. […]


Play the weather, but stay warm

While high winds and bitter cold in the weather forecast may make some faint-of-heart anglers stay at home, anglers who pay acute attention to weather reports and prepare for them can use these fast-moving cold fronts to their advantage. […]


Shall we gather at the river?

Many anglers find successful winter time fishing in rivers that don’t have a huge change of depth. This makes the fish easier to find and offers a more stable fishing outing, no matter the temperature. […]


Salute shad, the kickoff fish

It’s been cold, and many anglers have been waiting for the slightest break in weather. And while many are looking forward to next month, plenty of others know that February is really the time to break out the ultralight gear and head to a handful of rivers across the Carolinas for the shad run. […]