A statewide waterfowl report that provides information on waterfowl population surveys and summaries of waterfowl harvests during the past two seasons is now available on-line from the S.C. Department of Natural Resources.Staff of the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently completed a report entitled “South Carolina Waterfowl Project Report 2003-04 and 2004-05.” A team of DNR Wildlife Section biologists – Bob Perry, Dean Harrigal and Walt Rhodes – prepared the publication. All waterfowl project activities occurring during the past two fiscal years are summarized in the document, and the report is a continuation of waterfowl project reports prepared by Wildlife Section staff since the early 1970s.
To read the document online or download your copy of the report, visit the DNR Web site at www.dnr.state.sc.us/wild/waterfowl; or to obtain a copy call (843) 546-9489 or e-mail Bob Perry at PerryB@dnr.sc.gov.
The report provides recent data and comparative trends on waterfowl population surveys, and summarizes waterfowl harvest results for the past two duck hunting seasons on Category I and select Category II Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) where waterfowl is a featured management species. Waterfowl harvest results are broken down by WMA and indicate hunter success on regular drawing hunts, adult-youth hunts and youth-only hunts.
Breck Carmichael, deputy director of the DNR Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division, said: “We are very pleased with the ability to publish this report in a format available over the Worldwide Web. This will allow greater access to everyone interested in the activities of our waterfowl projects and staff who are dedicated and tireless workers on behalf of the waterfowl resource.”
The report also summarizes distribution of wood duck boxes and wood duck production data gathered by private land cooperators and submitted to DNR through the “Governor’s Wood Duck Project.” DNR waterfowl research efforts are highlighted in the document as Wildlife Section staff members have been cooperating with other state agencies in the Atlantic Flyway by placing satellite transmitters on mallards and Northern pintails in order to track migration movements.
Other topics summarized in the publication include regulations governing waterfowl hunting in South Carolina during the past hunting season and waterfowl banding activities accomplished by DNR staff. The Waterfowl Advisory Committee, a standing committee of the S.C. Natural Resources Board, approved a list of waterfowl benchmarks to gauge trends and progress related to various waterfowl resource biological and public use opportunity factors, and the new waterfowl project report addresses how South Carolina stands relative to these identified benchmarks.
“In the continuing effort to make greater use of available technology and efficiently provide information to our constituents, we are making the report available online, which helps hold down printing costs,” said Derrell Shipes, DNR chief of wildlife for special projects and research and survey. “Only a very limited number of hard copies will be available for those who need the report but cannot access it online.”
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