William Peagler of Moncks Corner, a Lowcountry hunter with more than 30 years experience hunting turkeys, said one late-season trick involves getting in a turkey’s way and being where he wants to be before he arrives — and some of those spots are burned areas.
“Prescribed fire is a common land-management tool, and few things are better for wild turkey habitat than having hunting lands on a regular burn rotation,” he said.
“Controlled burns conducted during the winter allow re-growth to begin in spring. Turkeys can find plenty to eat (there), and they can see a long distance, a safety factor for them. A strutting gobbler can be seen a long distance and (that) is helpful for a hunter. Set up is crucial, and a hunter must blend perfectly. But burn areas are one place turkeys want to frequent.
“I use decoys less as the season progresses, but in a burn area, they can be helpful to divert attention away from me. Since turkeys are drawn to these areas, it’s natural for a gobbler to see other turkeys.”
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