Hunter from North wins first round of Bag-A-Buck monthly contest

Chris Williams won the first round of the 2011 Bag-a-Buck Contest.

Chris Williams had his eyes and his crosshairs on a big buck the afternoon of Aug. 23, so focused on getting a good shot that he almost missed a better one.

“I had the crosshairs on this big 8-point buck, and I could see there was another deer behind him, but his head was covered up by the 8-pointer’s body,” Williams said. “Then, I saw his head come up, as soon as I saw his rack, I swung the crosshairs to him.”

Williams waited a few seconds until he had a broadside shot on the second buck, then squeezed the trigger on his .30-06, and at the report, deer were running everywhere. “I didn’t even know if he fell, but when I got down, he was laying right where I shot him,” he said.

On the ground was a real winner – in more than one respect. The second buck carried a typical 12-point rack with one drop tine and a 23-3/4-inch outside spread and weighed 188 pounds.

The buck, which was in full velvet, was a winner a second time on Oct. 4 when it was drawn as the winner of South Carolina Sportsman’s monthly Bag-A-Buck Contest for August and September.

Williams’ buck was entered in the contest by hunting buddy and co-worker Andrew Bolin. The two both hail from North, and they’re linemen for Santee Cooper. It was a tract of land owned by a relative of Bolin’s where Williams killed the big buck, a trophy that had never showed up on any of the trail cameras Bolin had on the property.

As a monthly contest winner, Williams will receive a prize package that includes apparel from Rivers West, a South Carolina Sportsman T-shirt, a camo Sportsman decal, a copy of “Cooking on the Wildside,” a Tink’s scent kit, Realtree hats and Monster Buck DVDs, a Plano storage box and ammo grips from GOD’A Grip.

Williams and every other hunter who enters the contest is eligible for the grand prize package, which includes a compound bow from Irby Street Sporting Goods in Florence and Angler’s Sporting Goods in Monck’s Corner, a Nikon Prostaff scope, a blackpowder rifle from Nichols Store in Rock Hill and a two-person, one-day deer hunt at Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge. The grand prize will be chosen and the winner will receive his or her prizes at the 2012 Palmetto Sportsman’s Classic in Columbia next March.

Williams was hunting a field of young, planted pines, sitting in a tower stand the day he took his big buck.

“Andrew had dropped me off, and I’d walked to the stand, and I hadn’t been in the stand long when I saw one buck come out, about 60 or 80 yards away. I was watching him, and then deer just started to come out, all bucks,” he said.

“The big 8-pointer came out, and I fixated on him for about 10 minutes; he would be on my wall if the bigger buck hadn’t raised its head.”

Enter the South Carolina Sportsman Bag-a-Buck Contest today to be eligible for all the great prizes!

About Dan Kibler 887 Articles
Dan Kibler is the former managing editor of Carolina Sportsman Magazine. If every fish were a redfish and every big-game animal a wild turkey, he wouldn’t ever complain. His writing and photography skills have earned him numerous awards throughout his career.

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