Hunt rainy days

Hunt bucks during the rain for excellent results. The time just after a rain can be deadly serious for taking a nice buck during the rut.

According to Mike Johnson, a lot of hunters will avoid rainy days. While many may hunt in a light mist, a steady rain will keep a lot of them out of the woods.

“Hunters are missing a great opportunity not hunting deer during the rain, especially during the rut,” he said. “Deer will move at any time during the rut, but granted, sometimes in a steady rain or even a heavy downpour, the movement will slack off, plus it’s a bit harder to see deer at that time.

“But I like to stay in the stand and literally weather it out, because the benefits will usually far outweigh the downside.”
Johnson said that when the rain stops, deer movement often increases dramatically.

“It’s like flipping a light switch,” he said. “When the rain stops, I’ve seen deer start moving like crazy. Some of the best deer movement I see all year is after a heavy or steady rain. Both bucks and does will be moving, and it’s a prime time to get a trophy buck.

“I suggest hunters invest in a quality rain suit, which they should have anyway,” he said. “Then just get in the stand and wait the rain out. I believe it will be one of the best moves a hunter can make is to hunt in the rain and for the first couple of hours afterward, regardless of time of day.”

Editor’s Note: This story appears as part of a feature in South Carolina Sportsman’s October issue. To ensure you don’t miss any information-packed issues, click here to have each magazine delivered right to your mail box.

About Terry Madewell 802 Articles
Award-winning writer and photographer Terry Madewell of Ridgeway, S.C., has been an outdoors writer for more than 30 years. He has a degree in wildlife and fisheries management and has a long career as a professional wildlife biologist/natural resources manager.

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