High school senior from Pelion is first Bag-A-Buck winner

Ron Berry killed these two nice bucks about 10 minutes apart on opening day, then had his entry drawn as the first monthly winner in South Carolina Sportsman's Bag-A-Buck contest.

Entry of two opening day bucks wins first monthly contest

Ron Berry, a 17-year-old high-school senior from Pelion, had a big opening day of deer season back in mid-August. Early in the evening, he killed a 10-point buck that was feeding along with a 9-pointer, and when the 9-pointer returned 10 minutes later, his .308 Ruger was on target again, leaving him with two great trophy bucks and a winning entry into South Carolina Sportsman’s Bag-A-Buck contest.

Berry entered his deer in South Carolina Sportsman’s Bag-A-Buck contest and was drawn as the first monthly winner. He will receive a year’s subscription to the magazine and a $25 gift certificate to the Sportsman’s online Outdoor Store. He will also be eligible for the grand prize, a one-day hunt for two people at Cherokee Run Outfitters in Chesterfield Co. The grand prize will be awarded at the Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic in Columbia next March.

Berry said he was hunting the afternoon of Aug. 15 when the 9-point, 150-pound buck walked out in front of him. He waited about five minutes, and the 10-pointer, which weighed 215 pounds, joined him. He shot the 10-pointer, stayed in his stand, and when the 9-pointer reappeared 10 minutes later, he shot him. Both bucks were in full velvet.

To enter the Bag-A-Buck contest, visit www.southcarolinasportsman.com, click on the “contest” link, the “Bag-A-Buck” link and follow the instructions to upload a photo and description of your successful deer hunt.

About Dan Kibler 887 Articles
Dan Kibler is the former managing editor of Carolina Sportsman Magazine. If every fish were a redfish and every big-game animal a wild turkey, he wouldn’t ever complain. His writing and photography skills have earned him numerous awards throughout his career.

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