Essentials for hunting from portable stands

It takes plenty of gear to properly prepare and hunt from a portable tree stand.

It is important to recognize the risk in hunting from an elevated stand. Hunters should always maintain tethering by use of a lineman’s belt or lifeline with a prussic knot when ascending and descending trees. Once on stand, hunters should be tethered according to manufacturer recommendations that accompany safety vests or straps for hunters.

The following represents equipment and gear that may be used to hang a lock-on or ladder style stand.

• A section of nylon webbing for pulling a stand to desired location and raising necessary equipment. Webbing should be 10 to 15 feet longer than typical hunting height to allow for equipment to be raised and lowered.

• Pruning shears, folding saw, pruning pole or pruning saw for trimming shooting lanes or obstructing branches. Use a buddy from the ground and a laser pointer to identify branches that obscure shooting lanes.

• Tree-step wrench. If using steps, use a step-wrench, easily found in outdoor supply locations, to properly sink steps to trees. The “elbow” of a tree-step should rest against the tree to counter the weight of a hunter.

• Zip-ties or hobby-string to affix vegetation or brush to stand structure or blind to assist with concealment.

• Step placement. Position steps so that the stride from the current step to the next is both safe and secure. Always step into a stand; position the top step or top point of a climbing stick slightly above the base of a fixed-position stand.

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