Buck had a drop tine and weighed 195 pounds
Katie Ivey of Trinity, N.C. killed her biggest buck ever in Randolph County on Nov. 4. She killed the 130-class, 9-point buck with a muzzleloader while hunting with her dad. Hunting is a passion for Ivey. She spends plenty of time in the woods, and she’s very selective in what she shoots. She’s let plenty of deer walk, but she wasn’t letting this 195-pound buck with a drop tine get away.
“I had the buck on camera one time, but I never saw it while hunting. And I never got another photo of it. So I figured either someone else shot him, or he found another place to go,” she said.
Ivey was perched in the loft of a tobacco barn that’s made into a comfortable deer stand on a 90-acre farm.
“It was early morning and I didn’t have anything ready yet. Before my dad came up, I happened to look out one of the windows and saw something but I wasn’t sure if it was the buck. Then he lifted his head to sniff the air. When he did that, I saw the drop tine and I knew it was him. It was just a little after 6:30 a.m.
Her dad almost missed the show
“That’s when my dad came in from using the bathroom. He saw the buck and said ‘that’s him, get him!’” she said. “He almost missed the whole thing, so I’m glad he made it back before I shot.”
The deer was calmly checking out its surroundings as Ivey quietly opened the window and got her gun ready. The buck stepped into a little clearing about 30 yards away standing broadside, and Ivey pulled the trigger. The buck dropped on the spot.
Before they even left the loft of the tobacco barn, an 8-point buck walked up, along with a doe. She let them both walk, then went down to inspect her buck. She was pleasantly surprised at the size of the buck’s rack, as well as its body size.
“He is even bigger in real life than he looked on the camera. I knew he was a nice buck from his photo, but he was even nicer than I expected,” she said. “I killed a 10-point last year, but this one is bigger all the way around.”
Ivey’s dad, who used to be a professional taxidermist, will create a mount for her to commemorate the hunt.
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