Buck has been green-scored at 163 inches
Katie Robinson Smith of Roseboro, N.C. killed her biggest deer ever last Friday, Oct. 18. The 11-point buck had dual split brow tines and weighed 205 pounds. She killed the brute, which has been green-scored at 163, in Sampson County in the little town of Turkey. It was her first time seeing the deer, either in person or on trail cameras.
And Smith didn’t even plan to sit in that stand. Her original stand was swarming with wasps, so she moved on to the next closest one.
Click the play button to hear our interview with Smith:
“I had all intentions of going into the first stand, which overlooks a sweet potato field. But when I got to the stand and opened it, it was full of wasps, and they were flying everywhere. So I walked through some fields to a field stand with a creek running in the back of it,” she said.
To pass the time, Smith did a little online shopping with her phone. But her virtual shopping trip ended quickly once deer started showing up.
“I was shopping on Amazon and some other sites. Then I saw four does come out. I texted my husband, asking if he wanted some deer meat. But he said that no, he didn’t want any deer meat unless it’s a big buck,” she said.
And the big buck shows up
Smith responded that such a thing wasn’t likely to happen in Sampson County. But a few minutes later, she looked up and saw that theory shattered.
“About two minutes later, I looked in the field, and at the very back corner, the buck came out. When he lifted his head, all I saw was horns. I started shaking like crazy because I just couldn’t believe it,” she said.
She kept her composure and steadied herself for a 165-yard shot with her .223.
“I just propped up and shot,” she said.
She hit the deer, which didn’t fall immediately, but trotted over to a nearby tree line where she put another bullet in it. Then the deer fell. Both shots were well-placed directly behind the buck’s left shoulder. Smith’s hunting buddies all agreed the first shot would have killed the deer even without the second shot.
Smith is bound for the 2020 Dixie Deer Classic
Many hunters take the first sign of negativity as a bad omen. But Smith didn’t allow the wasps at her preferred stand to deter her from hunting. She took it in stride, then made the best of her hunting day. We’d say it turned out quite well!
Chet Peterson of Chet’s Taxidermy in Turkey will be handling the taxidermy duties for Smith. She said he promised to have the mount back to her in time for the 2020 Dixie Deer Classic.
Click here to read about Tootie Morris’ trophy Granville County buck from earlier this year.
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