Hunter almost gives up searching, but dad finds blood trail
Jamin Floyd, a senior business major at Clemson University, went home for Thanksgiving holiday to be with his family and to do a little deer hunting. Never did he expect to take a 14-point buck while there.
When Floyd discovered that he only had two bullets left over from last season, he sat at his reloading bench and loaded up five bullets for his Remington Model 7. After putting his first shot in the bulls eye at 100 yards at the range, Floyd knew that he was ready to go hunting.
Arriving at private property near his home in Loris, S.C., around 3 p.m., Floyd climbed in a tripod stand located on a sand ridge that overlooked a dirt road with scrub oak trees on either side.
Floyd said that there were three different stands located on the road, but he chose the middle stand because he saw several good tracks crossing the road near the middle stand while walking along the road.
Around 5:25 p.m., Floyd spotted the outline of a deer with horns in the middle of the lane. So he cranked up his Leupold 3.5-10×50 mm scope to full power, and saw plenty of horns. He estimated the range at 40 to 50 yards.
Floyd pulled the trigger, and after the shot, the big buck bolted into the thick woods. Floyd was confident that he had made a good hit and since darkness was coming on fast, he got down from the stand and went in search of his deer.
When Floyd got to where he thought he had shot the deer, he couldn’t find any blood, hair, or trace of the deer. Since it was now dark, Floyd headed home to get his dad to help look for the deer.
Floyd replayed the entire scenario for his father. Floyd said that his dad kept on walking down the road until he found blood. The first blood was about 45 yards farther than what Floyd had estimated. They then followed the blood trail to the fallen deer.
Upon finding the deer Floyd said, “It was bigger than what I originally thought.”
The 14-point deer weighed 175 pounds and had a rough score of 125 points. That’s not a bad way to spend a holiday at home.
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