17-year-old huntress kills massive 10-point buck

Haylie Richard buck
Haylie Richard killed this big buck in Granville County, N.C. on Nov. 14, 2019.

Teen kicked the family rivalry up a notch

Seventeen-year-old Haylie Richard of Butner, N.C. arrowed a massive 10-point buck on Nov. 14. Every year along with her dad and brother, Haylie prepares for deer season with preseason scouting which includes an entire network of trail cameras on their hunting properties throughout Granville County. And this year, another crop of mature bucks showed up on their properties. The family picked out a few good bucks on camera that would kick off the annual rivalry.

Just a few weeks prior, Haylie’s father, Anthony connected to a big mainframe eight-point buck that ignited a flame in Haylie and her brother Colby to get a good buck on the ground. Both Haylie and Colby each had eyes on good bucks on their farm. Haylie got to hers first, putting the ball in Colby’s court.

For over a decade, Haylie has loved shooting her bow and was determined to take a good deer this year with the string. But, being a high school senior, attending early college classes, and working a part-time job has competed for her time in the deer stand.

“I am determined to kill my deer this year with a bow,” Haylie said. 

Every chance she had, Haylie was in the stand with her bow in hand. And on Nov. 7, a big eight pointer gave her the opportunity to make her dream a reality.

“I launched the arrow right over his back and missed,” she said.

Plan B works out

Disgusted and rejected, Haylie walked out of the woods that day and came up with plan B. She was still going to use archery equipment, but she was going to use her crossbow to make sure that she didn’t miss the opportunity at a good buck again. She is a great shot with the bow, but her nerves got the best of her that day.

One week later on Nov. 14, Haylie was sitting in the stand hoping for the big eight to return. An hour before dark, a cow horn walked out and she got excited.

“This cow horn was always traveling in front of the big 10 pointer that was on camera. I got excited.” She said.

Sure enough, five minutes later the big 10 pointer walked up. Haylie raised her crossbow and pulled the trigger.

“This time I made contact! He took off and made a 40-yard dash and crashed,” she said. “I immediately called Dad and told him I got a 10!”

Haylie’s 10-point buck grossed at 129 inches. Haylie and her dad have done their parts in the family competition. And according to her dad, another big buck is lurking in the hills of Granville County with Colby’s name on him.

About Jeff Burleson 1316 Articles
Jeff Burleson is a native of Lumberton, N.C., who lives in Myrtle Beach, S.C. He graduated from N.C. State University with a degree in fisheries and wildlife sciences and is a certified biologist and professional forester for Southern Palmetto Environmental Consulting.

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