Angola Bay and Holly Shelter deer hunting by the (regs) book

A group of hunters gathers to plan a hunt on Angola Bay Game Lands. The size of the group varies from hunt to hunt, but most hunts accept anyone who wants to join.

Holly Shelter has 64,743 acres and is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays for deer hunting, except that a large part of the Bear Garden Tract and all of the Pender 4 Tract require advance permits. Permit hunts are conducted Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday).

Hunting deer with hounds is prohibited on the Pender 4 and Greentree tracts.

An extensive road network makes most of Holly Shelter accessible for still-hunters and hound-hunters, but there are also some extensive areas of pocosin and hardwood swamps. Deer of either sex may be taken throughout the season.

Angola Bay has 24,483 acres, of which approximately 20,000 consist of a nearly impossible-to-access pocosin. The game land is open for hunting every day except Sunday, with no permit-only hunting. Hunting with hounds is popular on the southern blocks of land near NC 53, which have good access roads. Deer of either sex may be taken throughout the season.

About Mike Marsh 357 Articles
Mike Marsh is a freelance outdoor writer in Wilmington, N.C. His latest book, Fishing North Carolina, and other titles, are available at

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