A last-minute food-plot video primer for Upstate hunters

The ultimate goal of any deer hunter is to get that trophy deer in the crosshairs, but typically requires a lot of prior work in preparation. In this video, Will Montgomery of Carolina Farm and Wildlife Supply in Pauline, SC offers tips on how to prepare

Hunting whitetail deer over food plots is one of the best ways to enable a hunter to take a trophy buck. Not only do food plots tip the scales in the hunter’s favor by drawing the deer to the hunter, they are an important nutritional food source and management tool to keep deer herds healthy and keep them on your property year round.

Will Montgomery, owner of Carolina Farm and Wildlife Supply in Pauline has been growing deer on his properties for most of his life and helping other deer hunters manage their land for attracting and hunting trophy deer. In this video, Montgomery gives Upstate deer hunters a last-minute tutorial on what they can do to make their deer lands more attractive to deer on the eve of the upcoming deer season which opens across the Upstate for bow season on Sept. 15.

With only a week before the opener, it’s still not too late to get your land ready by bush-hogging potential food-plot areas, spraying herbicide to kill unwanted vegetation, then plowing and planting food plots.

Montgomery also explores a variety of foods that are available for deer plots and gives some information on how to plant these foods, which ones work best for the early and late seasons, and how to obtain more information on the best ways to manage your land for deer.

After that, it’s up to you to get that deer in the crosshairs.

About Phillip Gentry 827 Articles
Phillip Gentry of Waterloo, S.C., is an avid outdoorsman and said if it swims, flies, hops or crawls, he's usually not too far behind.