The weather is perfect and the bluefins are chewing
It’s BIG bluefin tuna time off North Carolina’s coast, and offshore anglers are not disappointed in the action.
On Dec. 10, the Pathfinder crew caught an 800-pound bluefin. It’s the largest bluefin to hit the Atlantic Beach docks so far this year. Jim Ellis, Adam Clark, and Mickey Patel teamed up to catch the beast on Baitmasters of South Florida paired up with Blue Water Candy Lures, and rigged up at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors in Atlantic Beach. It was the Pathfinder team’s first bluefin of the season.
Capt. Andrew Gould fishing aboard Strike Eagle went on a 3-for-3 tear last week. Fishing solo on one trip, he caught a huge bluefin. He was joined by Elton Daniels on the next trip, and they boated another one that weighed several hundred pounds. On his third trip of the week, this time with Rachael Applebee, that caught another giant.
Gould was also using Baitmaster of South Florida, as well as some special lures.
Several 700+ pounders have been caught
On Dec. 13, Tombstone Charters Capt. Jared Best and mate Kevin Daniels, part of the Chasin’ Tails charter fleet, went full beast mode, catching a 726-pound bluefin tuna. They caught the fish on a custom Blue Water Candy Lures Jag rigged up with a Baitmasters of South Florida ballyhoo from Chasin’ Tails.

Capt. John Cawthern and Jim Mueller got on the board on Dec. 15. The Procastinator Sportfishing LLC crew landed a 700-pound bluefin. And you guessed it, they caught the fish on a custom Blue Water Candy Lures Jag rigged up at Chasin’ Tails with a Baitmasters of South Florida ballyhoo.
Also on Dec. 15, the Fish Whistle Fishing Charters crew came in to port with a 750-pound bluefin.
Anglers have caught numerous other 300 to 400 pound bluefins in the past several days, and it doesn’t look like the bite will be slowing down anytime soon. Call the folks at Chasin’ Tails Outdoors (252-240-3474) to get your bait ready, or to book a trip with one of their charter captains.
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