Fishermen urged to donate red snapper carcasses when July season opens
The S.C. Department of Natural Resources has announced locations where anglers can drop off red snapper carcasses during the upcoming July season to help with research into the species.
The recreational fishery for red snapper will be open July 11-13, 18-20 and 25-26 in South Carolina waters. The bag limit is one per person per day, and there is no minimum size limit.
This season will provide another brief window of opportunity for biologists to gather important biological information that may be used in future red snapper stock assessments. State biologists will be collecting data during the season from both carcasses donated by anglers and through an online survey.
Anglers may donate their red snapper carcasses to the SCDNR by placing them in designated freezers at any of these drop-off sites:
• Fish On Outfitters – 800 Sea Mountain Hwy., North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582
• Harrelson’s Seafood Market – 4368 U.S. 17 Business, Murrells Inlet, SC 29576
• Georgetown Landing Marina – 432 Marina Drive Georgetown, SC 29440
• SCDNR Marine Resource Division, Ft. Johnson Rd., Charleston. This site, adjacent to the Administration Building next to the boat slip, is accessible by boat only.
• The Boathouse Restaurant – 397 Squire Pope Rd, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Anglers need to complete catch cards for fish carcasses, which will supplied along with plastic bags at each freezer location. Additionally, carcasses can be dropped off at SCDNR’s Marine Resource Division Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:00 pm to the second floor of the Administration Building.
Anglers can also contribute catch and fishing effort information during the seasons through an online survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/SCRSnapper2014). The online surveys will be used to collect basic information about anglers fishing trip, including date, length, and location of a fishing trip, as well as the number and size of fish landed and/or released.
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