New record beats old record by 6 pounds
On May 23, 2024, we set out from Murrells Inlet, SC, at the crack of dawn, heading offshore to the Winyah Scarp area, about 60 miles out. Our goal was to catch some mahi or wahoo. After a few hours of trolling along a weed line and the ledge without success, we decided to move closer in and try bottom fishing.
We relocated to a spot about 50 miles offshore in 100 feet of water. I switched to a Connley Fishing King Rod paired with a Penn Fathom 40, rigged with 80-pound Momoi Diamond Braid and a two-hook bottom setup.
At this location, we caught vermilion snapper, black sea bass, grunts, and porgies, sometimes two at a time. It was a productive day. I began waiting after getting a bite, hoping to hook a second fish. While doing this, something big hit the line without getting hooked.
Finally, I hooked a monster fish. After about 45 minutes of fighting, I told my great friend and captain of the LIBERTY CALL, Gordon Jobe, to put the boat in gear to help bring the fish up in the water column. Around the 1-hour mark, we landed what turned out to be a South Carolina state record greater amberjack.
Using a Garmin InReach, we contacted friends onshore to check the state record weight for South Carolina. They replied with 123 pounds. We knew we had surpassed that mark, but had to wait a few hours to confirm.
Back at the dock, we went to Seven Seas Seafood Market in Murrells Inlet, SC, to weigh the fish on their certified scales. The fish weighed in at 129 pounds and measured 69 inches in length. After certification by Kris Reynolds of the South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources, the crew at Seven Seas processed the fish for me.
– Jim Carroll
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