When it comes to gear, Mount Pleasant’s Brian Batson said a common mistake fishermen make is using gear that is heavier than it needs to be. He said he cringes every time he sees an angler walking along the shoreline of a saltwater pond with a long, heavy duty surf rod and giant reel spooled with hundreds of yards of line.
“That is some serious overkill,” he said.
Batson suggests using rods in the 6-foot-6 to 7-foot range, and he spools up with 10- to 15-pound line.
“Most of the fish you catch are going to be anywhere from a pound to 10 pounds, and using a heavy (outfit) is going to make it more difficult for you to detect bites. And with no current to help the fish fight, it’s simply no fun to reel in a 20-inch redfish on gear made for hauling sharks out of the surf,” he said.
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