Catch a tagged redfish, win a Sea Hunt bay boat

If you catch a redfish along South Carolina's coast this summer, check closely for a tag, but be sure you're registered for the CCA STAR tournament first!

CCA South Carolina announces 2nd STAR tournament

Catching redfish is always fun, but catching a tagged one that wins you a boat would be even better. And it can happen to you this year if you’re fishing in South Carolina waters and you’re registered for the CCA South Carolina Statewide Tournament and Anglers Rodeo (STAR).

Throughout the past few months, the Redfish Release Team from South Carolina’s chapter of CCA has been catching, tagging, and releasing scores of redfish. The first two of these specially tagged redfish caught between Memorial Day and Labor Day could win brand new packages, each consisting of a 2018 Sea Hunt BX 22 BR bay boat with a Yamaha 150 and a Wesco aluminum trailer, as long as the anglers who catch them are registered for the STAR.

Last year this same tournament took place for the first time in the Palmetto State. Fifty redfish were tagged, and unfortunately none of them were caught. One registered anglers still won a boat, as CCA held a drawing among all registered participants once the tournament had ended.

Don’t be that angler that catches a tagged redfish but didn’t sign up for the tournament! It’s easy to register, just click here.

About Brian Cope 2859 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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