SCDNR is stocking bigger trout on the Chattooga these days
We’ve received numerous reports in the past week of some awesome trout fishing taking place on the Chattooga River. Even on busy weekends and within sight of the Burrells Ford bridge, anglers are catching lots of trout, including some sizable ones.
These are stocked trout, but after a recent survey conducted by SCDNR, the agency decided to stock fewer — but bigger — trout than they have in the past. This has resulted in bigger catches. And anglers say it has not led to fewer catches. That’s a win-win all the way around.
Our friends Chris Shaffer and the rest of the Pautzke Outdoors crew decided to make a stop on the Chattooga this past weekend. They said the fishing was outstanding. They caught trout on back to back casts over and over just downstream from the bridge. It’s one of the most popular spots to fish from in this area, and all anglers were catching fish one after another.
The Pautzke crew started off fishing with their world-famous salmon eggs. But they switched over to their soft dough Fire Bait and had just as much luck. In the attached video, they show exactly how they’re catching trout. And it’s easy to see where they spent their time on the Chattooga. Follow their tips in the coming weeks and you’ll catch your share and more.
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