Natalie Coltrain, 4-years-old, killed her first turkey on Saturday April 1, 2023 in Beaufort County, NC. The young hunter shot the gobbler with her .410. The turkey had a 10-inch beard and 1 1/4-inch spurs. She was hunting with her dad, who said the day presented some tough conditions.
“We hunted, fighting the wind all morning, and around 8 a.m., we finally called the bird up into the path down to the decoys where Natalie killed him. She loves looking at the pictures posted on Carolina Sportsman, so she asked me could I send hers to y’all,” said Eric Coltrain.
Congratulations to Coltain, who is now entered in our 2023 Tag-A-Turkey Contest.
This makes her eligible for our grand prize, which includes a 3-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Thermacell prize package, a Convergent Hunting Solutions Bullet HP Bluetooth predator call, a Millennium Field Pro Turkey Seat, and numerous other prizes.
If you’d like to enter your gobbler in our contest, click here.
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