Ridgely Linville’s Allendale County 8-point

Allendale County 8-point buck weighed 205 pounds

Ridgely Linville killed Allendale County 8-point, 205-pound buck on Oct. 27, 2023. Linville was familiar with this buck, which had been given a unique nickname by local hunters.

“I had pictures all summer of this buck. But around the end of August, he left and didn’t show back up until mid-October,” he said. “The buck had been nicknamed “Hump Back” for a large hump he had on his shoulder from being shot with an arrow at some point in the past.”

The morning of the hunt started off slowly, but picked up not long after he texted his buddy.

“Around 7:30 a.m., I texted a buddy of mine and told him I could hear deer chasing and grunting, but unfortunately they were headed back to the bottom where they bed, which is the opposite direction,” he said. “Then about 10 minutes later, a doe pops out of the food plot and he’s right behind her.”

That’s when Linville raised his 7mm Mag and pulled the trigger.


Bag A Buck Contest

Congratulations to Linville, who is now in the running for our monthly prize of a free 1-year subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a Mini Maglite, an 18-ounce Yeti Rambler, a two-pack of Lowcountry Seasonings, as well as our Grand Prize, which includes a 3-year-subscription to Carolina Sportsman Magazine, a 2-day two-person hunt at Cherokee Run Hunting Lodge in Chesterfield, SC, and other prizes to be determined.

See all the bucks entered so far, and upload yours at carolinasportsman.com/bag-a-buck-2023, or email photo and detailed info to images@carolinasportsman.com.

About Brian Cope 2747 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at brianc@sportsmannetwork.com.

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