It had been a pretty rough deer season up to this date. Oliver had missed a smaller buck and had only seen one other deer. During the morning hunt a friend had us go to his property to see if Oliver could at the least get a doe. After not seeing anything we decided to go back to the lease property and try our luck. About 5:15 a smaller buck came out and Oliver was getting prepared for a shot when I noticed another deer move. I saw that it was a bigger deer and when Oliver saw it buck fever set in and he began shaking pretty bad. Luckily the buck walked up the hill and stayed out of sight for a few minutes and Oliver was able to calm down. The deer finally came back out and Oliver made a good shot. On the way to the processor Oliver looked at me and said “Papa I sure am glad we didn’t go back to hunt them does”
Hunter’s name: Lee Leviner
Hamlet NC
United States
8-point buck