Rougemont teen strikes again, this time with 135-inch, 9-point trophy

Chris Glosson killed this big 9-point buck in Granville County on Sept. 24, 2018.

Bowhunter dropped trophy at 20 yards

If Chris Glosson, a 14-year-old ninth-grader at Granville Central High School in Stem, N.C., keeps this up, a lot of grown-up deer hunters will be wishing for a fountain of youth.

Glosson, who won at the Dixie Deer Classic this past March for taking the biggest non-typical buck in North Carolina with a crossbow during the 2017 season — a 141-incher in full velvet — has struck again. On Monday, Sept. 24, he tagged a Granville County 9-point buck that scores better than 135 inches — again, with a crossbow.

“I’m going to keep looking for a bigger one,” Glosson said. “Maybe I’ll have to wait until the rut comes in.”

Glosson’s latest big buck sported a 5×4 main-frame rack with an 18-inch inside spread. His father, Daniel Glosson, scored the buck at 135 inches after he and a couple of friends helped Chris Glosson blood-trail the buck for 75 yards, where it piled up after a double-lung shot with a Bowtech crossbow and arrows tipped with Rage broadheads.

Chris Glosson, who lives in Rougemont, was sitting on the ground in a box blind on a logging road in the middle of a cutover, overlooking a corn pile, when the big buck showed up Monday around 7 p.m., the last of at least “10 or 11 bucks” that piled into the corn after 6:45.

“I had seen three does, and after that, they all started coming in from the same spot, 10 or 11 bucks,” he said. “There were a couple of nice ones, but I didn’t want to shoot them, because I knew this buck might be coming.”

Daniel Glosson said they had the buck in trail-camera photos, enough that Chris Glosson had nicknamed him “Slick.” They had seen the buck twice since the Sept. 8 opening of bow season in North Carolina, once too late in the afternoon to shoot, once when the buck came in directly at the stand and gave him nothing but a straight-on, frontal shot he wouldn’t take.

After that, the corn pile was rearranged, stretched out in a line from left to right in front of the stand, hoping the buck would follow the corn and be broadside while feeding.

“I picked Chris up from school on Monday and asked him if he was going to go hunting, and he said he was,” Daniel Glosson said. “I told him I wasn’t going because I had some stuff to do around the yard. He took the (Kawasaki) Mule and got in his stand. I texted him about 6:45, and he hadn’t seen anything, but long after that he said the bucks started coming out; they were sparring and fighting.”

The biggest buck showed up last, and it approached broadside.

“He probably stood there five to seven minutes,” Chris Glosson said. “I waited until he got there and got broadside at 20 yards.”

Glosson’s shot took the buck through both lungs. The buck ran off, but only about 75 yards. He contacted his father, who brought a couple of friends with him, and it took only a few minutes to follow a good blood trail to the buck.

“I was excited from the time I saw him until we found him,” Chris Glosson said.

About Dan Kibler 889 Articles
Dan Kibler is the former managing editor of Carolina Sportsman Magazine. If every fish were a redfish and every big-game animal a wild turkey, he wouldn’t ever complain. His writing and photography skills have earned him numerous awards throughout his career.