Live bait is the bait of choice for most serious flounder fishermen, but a guide who fishes out of Bogue Inlet has found a different way to bag big flatfish: a bucktail jig/plastic shrimp combination.
How and where he fishes it, as well as what makes it so effective is the subject of a feature in the July edition of North Carolina Sportsman.
Other features are:
•The Saltwater Series map/gps feature visits the popular Atlantic Beach-Morehead City area;
•Look in your saltwater tackle box for some great lures for your next bass-fishing trip, and make sure you don’t ignore the productive saltwater lures in your freshwater tackle box;
•Snow’s Cut is well-known for its flounder fishing, but it’s a great spot to catch bragging-sized sheepshead;
•Use your ‘noodle’ to catch more catfish at Kerr Reservoir (Buggs Island Lake);
•It takes a special kind of fishermen to actually want to mess with a big amberjack. If you’re of that mindset, Oregon Inlet is a great place to start;
•Greenville’s North River Park is a great municipal facility for fishermen in eastern North Carolina.
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