Plant sunflowers now in smaller deer plots
Sunflowers are a surprise answer to the question: Is there anything I can plant to help with this deer season?
Early Season Bucks: When ‘Less Is More’
English teachers call them oxymorons — the joining of two words or phrases that would seem to be contradictions. Like, for instance, “jumbo shrimp.”
Early season requires plenty of stand options
Hunters need multiple deer stand options in the early season when bucks are most predictable, but wind direction is not.
Deer movement increases in October throughout South Carolina
According to biologist Charles Ruth of SCDNR, one of the first things a hunter needs to understand is the biological change that causes deer to move a lot during October.
Deer will be on agricultural offerings for much of the spring, summer
Hunters that provide a food source for their deer herd throughout the late spring and summer will benefit when deer hunting season opens in the fall.
Hunting season arrives annually, just when cooler weather begins to make its mark, but it’s during the peak of hurricane season in the Carolinas.
Deer hunting has not been immune from advances in technology and tactics. Hunters run the gamut from bringing nothing more than a weapon and a pair of boots to an organized pack that contains everything [...]
Hunters should focus on soft mast for early season deer
Hunters should focus on soft mast when hunting deer in the early season.
Is there any doubt that a deer’s ability to smell at great distances is it’s greatest defense?
Deer hunters across North Carolina carry a variety of weapons into the woods in October. Archery season is the ticket in the northwestern corner of the state and throughout the Piedmont.