
Judge a gobbler’s age in the field

Hunters judge turkeys by a collection of characteristics, including weight, spur length, beard count and beard length. Every hunter wants to harvest an old, trophy gobbler, but, knowing a tom’s age is a tough task in the field — before and even after the kill. […]

Small Craft Advisory

Paddle up a gobbler

Late-season gobblers can drive a hunter insane. They become wary of the same old calls from the same old spots in the same old fields. […]


Proposed changes in turkey regs? Yea!

Pat Robertson reports elsewhere in the magazine about a piece of legislation making its way through the general assembly that would make two big changes in turkey hunting regulations: setting a unified statewide season and reducing the bag limit from five to three birds. […]


Shoot the lookers

Early in the season, gobblers will often be grouped in pairs or larger groups. Seeing several toms coming into decoys gobbling every step can be one of the most exciting sights of any hunter’s season. […]