Freshwater Fishing

Kayak selection

Kayak selection is a matter of choice. A good choice for bush-whacking into remote ponds would be a fairly light kayak in the 10- to 11-foot range. […]

Deer Hunting

Tactics for urban deer hunting

If you are a bowhunter, you may have an undiscovered bonanza closer to home than you think. You need to take an analytical look at the small, urban woodlots that you have passed by on the way to your “out-of-town” hunting spots. […]

Deer Hunting

Upstate urban hunts

Opportunities often go unnoticed or may be forgotten. We are creatures of habit. We find a location to hunt and get locked into it and don’t make the effort to try new locations. […]

Deer Hunting

Double Play

Whitetail deer are elusive animals with highly developed survival skills. It is a great achievement when a hunter takes a deer in a fair-chase hunting situation. […]