Featured Story

American, hickory shad runs starting to crank up

With air temperatures rising into the 60s and low 70s across coastal North Carolina and forcing water temps higher, the hickory and American (white) shad spring migration runs are heating up at the upper Neuse River and tributary creeks such as Pitchkettle and Contentnea. […]


Redneck Duck Hunting

It was a typical, pre-dawn February morning in North Carolina’s Piedmont — completely dark and extremely cold. Rolling along, hoarfrost painted feathery patterns on the windshield of Sandy Brady’s SUV, and minutes later, the ground crunched under his feat as he walked the edge of a cornfield, loaded down with bags of decoys and shotguns. […]


Deer of the Year

From the season’s beginning in September through November’s rut, it quickly became apparent that North Carolina deer hunters experiencing a special year in 2010. […]