
900-pound bluefin tuna caught 1 mile off beach

In the past few weeks, the bluefin tuna bite, which has been somewhat scarce south of Morehead City in recent years, finally showed up in the Lower Cape Fear region. Anglers Austin Eubank and Clint Richardson caught four tuna that all measured over 73 inches in a week. […]

Offshore Fishing

Dolphin grow fast, die young and taste good

Few organisms in the ocean can match the fast life cycle of the dolphin fish, coryphaena hippurus. Dolphin reach sexual maturity at four to five months, where it takes a king mackerel three years to spawn. The world-record dolphin, 87 pounds was believed to be slightly less than five years old. By comparison, the world-record king mackerel, a 93-pound fish, was thought to be closer to 25 years old.  
