Carolina huntress kills big velvet 9-point buck

She passed up numerous shots on the same buck last season

Becca Koon of Gilbert, S.C. was hunting with her husband Buck Koon in Lexington County Sunday, Aug. 16 when she killed killed a big 9-point buck in full velvet. It’s a buck she passed on several times last season. That gave the buck time to fill out, and allowed her to take it while in full velvet for a unique trophy.

The couple hunted out of a two-person stand that afternoon. The temperature was a cool 80 degrees, a nice change in the near 100 degree days leading up to the weekend. Not long after getting into the stand, a small 6-point buck appeared. Another unique thing about the hunt was that Buck was not carrying a gun, a first as far as he could remember.

“She’d never killed a deer on camera, and I wanted to capture that,” said Buck, who has videoed himself and numerous friends hunting for his You Tube channel, Carolina Crazy Outdoors. “She’s a little bit shy. I’m trying to get her out of her shell.”

Big 9-point buck shows up, stares dead at the camera

As the small buck sauntered about in front of them, it made a skittish look behind it, then eased out of the clearing. Right on time, the big 9-point that Becca hoped to see showed up. It eased into the clearing, stopped behind two trees, then stared straight between those trees at the camera.

“I just knew we were busted. He looked right at the camera and just stared at us,” said Buck.

But the hunters stayed frozen, and the buck let its guard down. As the deer walked out from behind the trees, Becca took her time, and squeezed the trigger. The buck jumped, spun around, and ran.

“Great job! You hit him. You made a good shot,” Buck told her as the deer disappeared.

Two two sat in the stand for another minute or two, but Becca was eager to get down. They tracked the buck, finding blood immediately. A short walk later, they found the buck dead on the ground.

The attached video puts you in the deer stand, and makes you feel like you’re the one hunting.



About Brian Cope 2747 Articles
Brian Cope is the editor of Carolina Sportsman. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, and videography. He is a retired Air Force combat communications technician, and has a B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Carolina. You can reach him at

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