Seen an armadillo in N.C.? The NCWRC would like to know
Armadillos, which are not native to North Carolina, are expanding their range throughout the state, and the NCWRC would like your help in determining where they currently exist. […]
Armadillos, which are not native to North Carolina, are expanding their range throughout the state, and the NCWRC would like your help in determining where they currently exist. […]
In an effort to help control the population of hogs, coyotes, and armadillos, the state has some very liberal allowances for hunters going after the non-native animals. […]
South Carolinians should soon get more ammunition to conduct the war on wild hogs, coyotes and armadillos. The Senate Fish, Game and Forestry Committee passed the House bill out with several proposed amendments last week and the full Senate is expected to take it up this week. […]
The South Carolina House has declared war on wild hogs, coyotes and armadillos, and a Senate committee is considering doing the same. […]
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