Two commercial fishermen charged for having oversized red drum, 16 times the legal limit

Two commercial fishermen from Dare County were arrested on Monday in Wilmington with 113 red drum in their possession, more than 100 over the limit.

Boat, trailer and fishing equipment is seized; fish sold or donated to ministry

Two commercial fishermen were taken to jail earlier this week when they were found with more than 16 times the legal possession limit of red drum.

Two members of the N.C. Marine Patrol pulled over a truck on Market Street in Wilmington on Monday afternoon and discovered 113 red drum weighing 657 pounds, including 14 fish greater than the legal size limit that weighed 106 pounds. The truck also had 100 pounds of striped mullet, 101 pounds of speckled trout, six pounds of black drum and two pounds of flounder.

Commercial fisherman Jason Scott Sadler, 38, of Stumpy Point, was charged with possession of more than the commercial limit of red drum, possession of oversized red drum, failure to display a Commercial Fishing Vessel Registration and transportation of illicit fish. His mate, Ian Andrew Stitt, 33, of Stumpy Point was charged with possession of oversized red drum and possessing over the limit of red drum.

After the seizure of the boat, trailer and commercial fishing equipment, the two men were taken to New Hanover County Jail, where they were placed under a $600 secured bond. Their charges constitute Class A1 misdemeanors. Any fines or other penalties assessed are at the discretion of the judge.

Officers seized the catch and sold the legal-sized red drum, striped mullet, speckled trout, black drum and flounder to Atlantic Seafood for $1,479.75. The money will be held, pending a court decision in the case. The 106 pounds of oversized red drum was donated to First Fruits Ministry in Wilmington.