Cracked blue crabs are great baits when targeting red drum, charter captain says.
With the summer season rapidly approaching, redfish along the Charleston coast are making the transition from spring patterns to warm water patterns. In this video, Shoal Bandit Charter Capt. John Koonce demonstrates a one of the most-successful tactics for locating warm-water redfish around boat docks.
Even as baitfish begin to make their way back into the estuaries, hungry redfish simply can’t resist the temptation of an easy meal of fresh blue crab. Koonce quarters fresh blue crab and uses a 3/8-ounce, 3/0 wide-gap Calcutta circle hook jighead to present the bait to redfish feeding into the current around residential boat docks.
Watch the attached video to see exactly how Koonce snatches big redfish from docks.
The combination of live bait/circle hook jighead creates some fast and hard-fighting action. If you’ve never seen or heard of this tactic before, give it a try.
By the time you get your first redfish to the boat, it will have you saying “what was I thinking? ” for not trying it sooner.