Bass Fishing

Prespawn Patrol ­- Tips for bass fishing success during the prespawn

Pickles and ice cream, donuts with lots of sprinkles, Cheese Whiz and anything with chocolate – pregnancy cravings are a fact of life, for a soon-to-be mom eating for two (or more).

Expectant bass might not crave anything odd, but they’re all about packing their bellies for their forthcoming spawn. Learn where and how to locate these fish and you can, ahem, “expect” your own delivery of rod-bending fun.

First, consider the basics of where they’ll spawn. Creeks, coves, backwater canals. Pretty much any shallow habitat with good sunlight and some type of cover will do. […]

Bass Fishing

Fish your strength

If you read this column on a regular basis, you know that I talk a lot about February and March being the best months to catch a big bass in our South Carolina lakes. […]