
Catch and release for king mackerel?

A recent news release by the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries indicates the South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council is proposing a reduction of the total allowable catch (TAC) of mackerels (kings and Spanish) because of potential effects of new snapper-grouper regulations in Amendment 15. […]


The fast track to extinction

A report released Oct. 10 by the U.S. Sportsman’s Alliance, National Shooting Sports Foundation and National Wild Turkey Federation should make American sportsmen sit up and take notice. […]


The hobgoblin of consistency

If Webster’s dictionary wanted to illustrate the definition of “procrastination” or “foot-dragging,” it could publish a photo of the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission. […]


It’s still a long, strange trip

If I had a nickel for every inconsistency in public policies and strange decisions by seemingly educated people, I could retire, buy a hurricane-proof ocean-front home, and perhaps convince the wife to quit buying scratch-off lottery tickets. […]


Will the Navy roll over N.C.?

The concept of “eminent domain” has been in the news a lot the last two years. Eminent domain basically is a legal concept that allows government to take property — if it “needs” the land. […]